
Brand Guide

Brand Colors

Here is the full brand color palette, along with additional variations of “light”, “dark” and grayscale.


Accent 2

Accent 3

Accent 4

Additional Brand Colors




Accent 2

Accent 2

Accent 2

Accent 3

Accent 3

Accent 3

Accent 4

Accent 4

Accent 4

Grayscale Brand Colors


Base 2



Contrast 2

Contrast 3


Brand Typography

Heading Blocks

This is a sample H1 heading block. It is a lengthy header to gauge font weight, line height and other aspects of typography.

This is a sample paragraph block of default font size. We’ll use it to demonstrate general paragraph properties and characteristics, including font family, font size, font styles such as italic text and linked text, font weights such as bold text, line height and more.

This is a sample H2 heading block. It is a lengthy header to gauge font weight, line height and other aspects of typography.

This is a sample paragraph block of default font size. We’ll use it to demonstrate general paragraph properties and characteristics, including font family, font size, font styles such as italic text and linked text, font weights such as bold text, line height and more.

This is a sample H3 heading block. It is a lengthy header to gauge font weight, line height and other aspects of typography.

This is a sample paragraph block of default font size. We’ll use it to demonstrate general paragraph properties and characteristics, including font family, font size, font styles such as italic text and linked text, font weights such as bold text, line height and more.

This is a sample H4 heading block. It is a lengthy header to gauge font weight, line height and other aspects of typography.

This is a sample paragraph block of default font size. We’ll use it to demonstrate general paragraph properties and characteristics, including font family, font size, font styles such as italic text and linked text, font weights such as bold text, line height and more.

This is a sample H5 heading block. It is a lengthy header to gauge font weight, line height and other aspects of typography.

This is a sample paragraph block of default font size. We’ll use it to demonstrate general paragraph properties and characteristics, including font family, font size, font styles such as italic text and linked text, font weights such as bold text, line height and more.

This is a sample H6 heading block. It is a lengthy header to gauge font weight, line height and other aspects of typography.

This is a sample paragraph block of default font size. We’ll use it to demonstrate general paragraph properties and characteristics, including font family, font size, font styles such as italic text and linked text, font weights such as bold text, line height and more.

Paragraph Blocks

This is a sample paragraph block of XX Large font size. We’ll use it to show general paragraph properties.

This is a sample paragraph block of X Large font size. We’ll use it to show general paragraph properties.

This is a sample paragraph block of Large font size. We’ll use it to show general paragraph properties, including font family, font size, font styles (italic text) and linked text, font weights (bold text), line height and more.

This is a sample paragraph block of Marge font size. We’ll use it to demonstrate general paragraph properties and characteristics, including font family, font size, font styles such as italic text and linked text, font weights such as bold text, line height and more.

This is a sample paragraph block of Medium (default) font size. We’ll use it to demonstrate general paragraph properties and characteristics, including font family, font size, font styles such as italic text and linked text, font weights such as bold text, line height and more.

This is a sample paragraph block of Smedium font size. We’ll use it to demonstrate general paragraph properties and characteristics, including font family, font size, font styles such as italic text and linked text, font weights such as bold text, line height and more.

This is a sample paragraph block of Small font size. We’ll use it to demonstrate general paragraph properties and characteristics, including font family, font size, font styles such as italic text and linked text, font weights such as bold text, line height and more.

This is a sample paragraph block of X Small font size. We’ll use it to demonstrate general paragraph properties and characteristics, including font family, font size, font styles such as italic text and linked text, font weights such as bold text, line height and more.

List Item Blocks

Unordered Lists

List Defaults
  • This is a sample unordered list item in a list block. We’ll use it to show general list item properties and characteristics, including list style, font size and more. Generally, list items contain the default paragraph size and styles.
  • This is a sample unordered list item in a list block. We’ll use it to show general list item properties and characteristics, including list style, font size and more. Generally, list items contain to the default paragraph size and styles.
List Arrows
  • First Item
  • Second Item
  • Third Item, very long item here for demo purposes
List Inline
  • One
  • Two
  • Three
List Pipes
  • One
  • Two
  • Three
List Unstyled
  • First Item
  • Second Item
  • Third Item

Ordered List

  1. This is a sample ordered list item in a list block. We’ll use it to show general list item properties and characteristics, including list style, font size and more. Generally, list items contain to the default paragraph size and styles.
  2. This is a sample ordered list item in a list block. We’ll use it to show general list item properties and characteristics, including list style, font size and more. Generally, list items contain to the default paragraph size and styles.

Quote (Blockquote)

This is a blockquote

Citation goes here


We offer a comprehensive range of financial services, including investment advisory, retirement planning, wealth management, and personalized financial consulting tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals & business owners.

To get started, simply contact our team by clicking the “Contact” button at the top of the page, or call us directly to schedule an initial consultation.

The process starts with a “FIT Meeting” where we understand your current financial situation and define your vision of true wealth. If there’s mutual agreement that we can make a positive impact, our client service team assists in organizing necessary documents. We then create a customized plan aligning your portfolio with your vision.

Our team takes a collaborative approach to guide individuals and business owners in defining their vision of true wealth. Utilizing extensive industry knowledge and specialized expertise, we cultivate enduring relationships and provide tailored solutions, empowering clients to achieve their financial goals.

Yes, our financial advisors hold relevant certifications and licenses. We prioritize professional development and adhere to industry standards to ensure our clients receive the highest level of expertise and ethical service.

We are here to provide ongoing support from our collaborative team of specialists. We regularly review your account(s) periodically throughout the year. You will receive customized recommendations, and reviews. If anything changes or comes up in-between our regularly schedule reviews, please reach out to us or write it down for us to incorporate into your plan.

The frequency of meetings will depend on your individual needs and preferences. We aim to maintain open communication and will schedule regular check-ins to review your financial progress and adjust strategies as necessary.

Yes, we offer virtual consultations and online services to accommodate our clients’ preferences and busy schedules. We utilize secure and advanced technology to ensure a seamless and confidential experience.

Portfolio Management Services Fees

All of our advisors are salaried employees, as fiduciaries working in your best interest. VisionPoint fees are competitive and in alignment with the planning services received. We may charge an annual fee of up to 2.50%, determined by the scope of planning services. Fees are negotiable and specified in the Acceptance of Terms, an addendum to the Investment Advisory Agreement. Billing occurs both in advance and in arrears based on the terms of the Agreement, with the Total Portfolio Management Fee calculated by summing the Advisory Fee and any Investment Model Fees.

VisionPoint Intelligent Portfolios

We charge clients for VisionPoint Intelligent Portfolios services. Our fees are not set by Schwab, and clients don’t pay brokerage commissions to Charles Schwab & Co. Schwab receives compensation indirectly. In addition to our fees, clients indirectly compensate Schwab for various services.

Retirement Plan Services Fees

As a fiduciary under ERISA and the IRC, VisionPoint charges flat, hourly, or asset-based fees of up to 1.00% for Retirement Account Clients. Fees are negotiable and detailed in the Investment Advisory Agreement.

Financial Planning Fees

VisionPoint offers financial planning at fixed rates and hourly fees.

Fixed Fees

The maximum rate for creating client financial plans is $50,000. Fees are negotiable and detailed in the Financial Planning Agreement.

Hourly Fees

Hourly fees for financial planning services range from $250 to a maximum of $750. Fees are negotiable and detailed in the Financial Planning Agreement.

We prioritize the security and confidentiality of our clients’ information. Our systems are equipped with the latest security measures, and we strictly adhere to industry regulations to safeguard your personal and financial data.

A fiduciary is a person or organization that, ethically and legally, puts the interests of the clients they represent before their own. At VisionPoint, each of our collaborative experts serves as a fiduciary to our clients. In everything we do, we are committed to acting honestly, in good faith and in strict keeping with each client’s guiding values.

A Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) firm is in the business of giving advice about securities and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). By law, we have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of our clients.

Yes, as a Center for Fiduciary Excellence certified firm, we are independently audited annually by a fiduciary expert to verify that our advisory and consulting services are consistent with industry best practices and the Prudent Practices. When a firm is CEFEX-certified, it is demonstrating adherence to a defined Prudent Practices for Investment Advisors standard, which contains 21 practices and supporting criteria.


There are various ways to display content within a popup. Here are examples for Vimeo videos, YouTube videos, inline content, offcanvas elements and tooltips. Tooltips simply require the user to hover over a link, which will disappear once the user has hovered off of the region.


This Is An Offcanvas Title

Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.


Popups, Popovers & Tooltips

There are various ways to display content within a popup. Here are examples for Vimeo videos, YouTube videos, inline content, offcanvas elements and modal elements.


Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

Popovers and tooltips are very similar. Popovers require the user to click the link in order to activate the popup, whereas tooltips simply require the user to hover over the link. Popovers can also stay active until a second user action, whereas the tooltip will disappear once the user has hovered off of the region.


Default Table

Column OneColumn TwoColumn 3
Row 1, Col 1Row 1, Col 2Row 1, Col 3
Row 2, Col 1Row 2, Col 2Row 2, Col 3
This is the table caption

Responsive Table

Education Background
School Name City State Time Frame Status
Art Institutes International, Minnesota Minneapolis Minnesota 2005 – 2007 Graduated
South Dakota State University Brookings South Dakota 1994 – 1999 Graduated
High School
Lincoln High School Sioux Falls South Dakota 1992 – 1994 Graduated
Middle School
Patrick Henry Middle School Sioux Falls South Dakota 1989 – 1991 Passed
Longfellow Elementary Sioux Falls South Dakota 1987 – 1988 Passed
Horace Mann Elementary Sioux Falls South Dakota 1986 Passed
Hayward Elementary Sioux Falls South Dakota 1982 – 1985 Passed


We offer a comprehensive range of financial services, including investment advisory, retirement planning, wealth management, and personalized financial consulting tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals & business owners.

To get started, simply contact our team by clicking the “Contact” button at the top of the page, or call us directly to schedule an initial consultation.

The process starts with a “FIT Meeting” where we understand your current financial situation and define your vision of true wealth. If there’s mutual agreement that we can make a positive impact, our client service team assists in organizing necessary documents. We then create a customized plan aligning your portfolio with your vision.

Tabs -> Accordion

Tabs (Vertical)

We offer a comprehensive range of financial services, including investment advisory, retirement planning, wealth management, and personalized financial consulting tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals & business owners.

To get started, simply contact our team by clicking the “Contact” button at the top of the page, or call us directly to schedule an initial consultation.

The process starts with a “FIT Meeting” where we understand your current financial situation and define your vision of true wealth. If there’s mutual agreement that we can make a positive impact, our client service team assists in organizing necessary documents. We then create a customized plan aligning your portfolio with your vision.


For fast scaling, remove the column style you don’t want and then duplicate the remaining column style of choice.

Default Column

This is a default left-justified column layout, containing a heading, paragraph and buttons block. The text is left-justified, and of default color.

Colored Column

Padded with white text

This is a bit more involved column layout, containing multiple styles of heading blocks as well as a paragraph and buttons block, all of which contain center-justified, white-colored text.

Advanced Columns (Bootstrap)

For fast scaling, remove the column style you don’t want and then duplicate the remaining column style of choice.

Column (6,8)

This is a default left-justified column layout, containing a heading, paragraph and buttons block. The text is left-justified, and of default color.

Column (6,4)

This is a default left-justified column layout, containing a heading, paragraph and buttons block. The text is left-justified, and of default color.

Column (6,10)

This is a default left-justified column layout, containing a heading, paragraph and buttons block. The text is left-justified, and of default color.

Equal Height Columns

Here’s a demo of a 50 / 50 column layout, where the columns are equal in height. The columns contain a background color, zero block spacing and use cards, card body and card footer to group their content.

Default Margin Top

Here are four equal height columns with cards. The columns contain a background color, zero block spacing and use cards to group their content.

This allows us to symmetrically align the content where the buttons have the same baseline.

Equal Height Columns with Image

Here are equal height columns with cards. The columns contain a background color, zero block spacing and use cards, card body and card footer to group their content.

Fuse Partners' Watertown, SD location

Equal Height

Default Margin Top

Equal Height Columns with Cards

Feature One

This is a sample paragraph block of default font size. We’ll use it to demonstrate general paragraph properties and characteristics, including font family, font size, font styles such as italic text and linked text, font weights such as bold text, line height and more.

Feature 2

This is a sample paragraph block of default font size.

Third Feature

This is a sample paragraph block of default font size. We’ll use it to demonstrate general paragraph properties and characteristics, including font family, font size, font styles such as italic text and linked text, font weights such as bold text, line height and more.

4th Feature

This is a sample paragraph block of default font size. We’ll use it to demonstrate general paragraph properties and characteristics.

Equal Height Columns with Cards & Images


Shadow 2 sample here.


Shadow 3 sample here.

Sioux Falls
South Dakota

Shadow 1 sample here.


Shadow 4 sample here.

Equal Height Covers with Cards

Here are equal height columns with cards. The columns contain a background color, zero block spacing and use cards, card body and card footer to group their content.

Columns With

Adjusted Margin Top

Here are equal height columns containing cover blocks as cards. The Cover blocks are also equal height and contain a background color with opacity.

Cover Image BGs

Here are equal height columns containing cover blocks as cards. The Cover blocks are also equal height and contain a background color with opacity.

These Cover block cards then contain groups of the standard card-body and card-footer classes for alignment.

Calls to Action

Here are a few samples of full-width Call to Action bars.
Patterns are created for each of them, and their background, text and button colors are all customizable.

Shadow 1, left-justified caption.

Align features in either of the following orientations

Default Feature

Generally used as an alternative callout module, feature blocks contain important images and content. Its background and text colors can vary and the image can be left or right justified, rounded and/or shadowed, but will always appear on top on the mobile view.

Feature, Image Right

Generally used as an alternative callout module, feature blocks contain important images and content. Its background and text colors can vary and the image can be left or right justified, rounded and/or shadowed, but will always appear on top on the mobile view.

Shadow 2, center-justified caption.

Image right feature with a colored background

Hovers (Bubba)

Hovers (Sarah)

Video Embeds

Vimeo Embed

YouTube Embed
