How do you charge for your financial advisory services?

Portfolio Management Services Fees

All of our advisors are salaried employees, as fiduciaries working in your best interest. VisionPoint fees are competitive and in alignment with the planning services received. We may charge an annual fee of up to 2.50%, determined by the scope of planning services. Fees are negotiable and specified in the Acceptance of Terms, an addendum to the Investment Advisory Agreement. Billing occurs both in advance and in arrears based on the terms of the Agreement, with the Total Portfolio Management Fee calculated by summing the Advisory Fee and any Investment Model Fees.

VisionPoint Intelligent Portfolios

We charge clients for VisionPoint Intelligent Portfolios services. Our fees are not set by Schwab, and clients don’t pay brokerage commissions to Charles Schwab & Co. Schwab receives compensation indirectly. In addition to our fees, clients indirectly compensate Schwab for various services.

Retirement Plan Services Fees

As a fiduciary under ERISA and the IRC, VisionPoint charges flat, hourly, or asset-based fees of up to 1.00% for Retirement Account Clients. Fees are negotiable and detailed in the Investment Advisory Agreement.

Financial Planning Fees

VisionPoint offers financial planning at fixed rates and hourly fees.

Fixed Fees

The maximum rate for creating client financial plans is $50,000. Fees are negotiable and detailed in the Financial Planning Agreement.

Hourly Fees

Hourly fees for financial planning services range from $250 to a maximum of $750. Fees are negotiable and detailed in the Financial Planning Agreement.

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